Growing my English Garden

One Petal at a Time

Based in Warwickshire, but with a Yorkshire heart, growing my garden day by day, and blogging the results night by night

With a stroke of luck, a lot of money, and whipping solicitors into shape we should be moving into our cottage in April fingers crossed. I can’t wait to get my hands on my first ever own garden. I have gardened in other peoples garden including lived in my parents, but never had my own. It is going to be such an adventure, seeing what pokes up under the leaves into spring, what perennials will appear as we head into summer and what flowers will appear on the climbers. Its so tempting with a new garden to rip everything out and start a fresh, but the garden in its winter state showed some interesting winter architecture which I do not want to rip out. The garden as far as I can make out from seeing it only twice is there are three sections to it, the first from the cottage up to the potting shed is a ready made veg plot, the second with a green house is the formal section with an arch for an entrance, I believe it is some kind of clematis all I know is that it stole my hat! The last part is going to be the dog and boys area, its got a fruit tree in the middle but is surrounded by grass perfect for doggies. You know what that means, the dogs will be everywhere but this part of the garden! I will have to do what dad does, go out every morning without fail with the dogs and a watering can full of water to water the dogs pee. I think a job for my beloved to do.

So there you have it a very quick lowdown of our new garden, once we move I intend to keep a diary here of all the things happening in my garden from plants appearing to how the grass is holding up. Keep watching this page for updates.

Cleaning out the Greenhouse

One of the many tasks in autumn is to clean out your green house, for me I am planning on overwintering some of […]

The Leylandii Hedge is Down!

It took four adults two days to remove our Leylandii hedge, we came out of it covered in cuts, burns, bruises, aches […]

Soil pH Testing Part 1

Soil pH Testing Now that the dreaded beast Leylandii is down and we have moved the soil around I want to see what […]

Soil pH testing Part 2

Soil pH Testing After drying the soil, it was ready to test. The results are in and its good news. All the […]

Crocus Bulbs

Planting Crocus Bulbs Back in November Vinny and I planted the rest of the crocus bulbs around the base of the pear […]

New Drive

New Drive We have finally got our new drive, its taken ages to sort out and actually get done. From the second […]


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