Open Gardens
Open Gardens
This is the first year we have opened our gardens for the whole world to see, and I can tell you now it is a scary thing, with lots of hard work, time and a trip to the garden centre, but ultimately it is worth it. We spent days getting the garden to a state that was fit enough to not embarrass us in front of keen gardeners and people who have come to see a pretty garden.
Before the day of judgement we had a wander around all the other exhibitors gardens where we fell in love with some beautiful gardens hidden behind walls and hedges. The different range of gardens from small to large, some with a passion for roses, others with a passion for hydrangeas. Myself admiring them for the plants and the obvious hard work and love that goes into these gardens where as my other half was admiring them for the landscaping and the overall prettiness of them.
Open gardens has definitely received more interest over the last few years with the increasing interest in gardening for all ages. What I wasn’t expecting was that it was being classed as a fun family day out, not just for the keen gardener or the amateur gardener looking for inspiration and advice, but family’s looking for an interesting day out, something for the kids and adults. This is great to see and show children that gardening is fun and interesting.
Overall the day was filled with intrigue, fun, a bit of garden envy and a general warm fuzzy community spirit feeling. If there are any events near you do go along and enjoy the wildly different gardens that are usually hidden from public eyes. There are some amazing gardens right on your door step!