Growing My Dream English Garden One Petal at a Time
Growing My Dream English Garden One Petal at a Time

We have been in our little cottage and garden now for just over two months and already we have made such a different inside and out. I was shocked how many choice plants we have, some beautiful specimens. It is all very exiting. I can’t wait for the spring and summer to see what else pops up. I am going to start a list of plants I want in the garden then slowly as I learn about our soil type and sun aspect ill decide what I want where. I’ve already started to move some plants and chop out the ones I don’t like. There is a patch of Euphorbia which i’m not looking forward to removing. Don’t get me wrong some species are very pretty however I don’t like the fact that if you break even just a leaf the plant will secrete a milky acid poison that will burn and leave you scared. Not a nice plant.

Checkout my page Growing My Dream English Garden One Petal at a Time to see all the updates on things that are happening in my garden. Its mainly for images so please click on the title to see these.