Spring is Coming and We Already Feel Better For It
Today I stumbled across my first proper sign of spring in the form of a crocus Crocus in flower, yes the sun was shining for a change. Although I have seen snowdrops Galanthus for a while now I some how seem to associate them still with deep winter, snowdrops and snow, snow equals winter. Daffodils Narcissus are also poking their heads up from the cold ground. I love spring, the first signs of life with that crisp green you do not see anywhere else. Sunny days where your itching to get out from under the blanket and out into the garden or in our case at the moment as we are city based any excuse to escape into the countryside. Pretty soon though i will be racing around in my new garden, but more about that soon. Being in the city I miss so much of the first signs of spring, I am surrounded by concrete and the occasional tree and patch of muddy grass. As soon as the grass starts growing and the trees begin to unravel their leaves life seems a little bit more calming. So come on Spring we are ready for you now.